Vision of Civil Engineering Department:
V1- To embarkation on a knowledge venture through innovation in civil engineering education for sustainable development of the nation with special emphasis on the state like Bihar.
V2- To bring forward proficient engineering professionals through innovative leadership in education and by integrating thinking about the new technologies. V3-Encouraging them
to serve society and industries and also towards higher studies.
Empowering a diverse community of socially conscious problem solvers to lead the world to a sustainable, resilient, equitable, and inclusive future.
Mission of Civil Engineering Department:
M1-To develop graduates who are technically excellent, socially conscious, ethical, innovative, and critical systems thinkers; adept at engaging new technologies and science; and who will address society’s needs and improve the professional field they choose.
M2 -To encourage graduates towards research and innovation in the field of Civil Engineering.
PEO 1: The graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge, skills of Civil Engineering to solve engineering problems related to structural design and to showcase professional skill encompassing societal and ethical values.
PEO 2: The graduates will be able to function in the evolving research and development as design consultant in the relevant industry using modern software tools.