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[21] Published a patent titled “Mathematical Modulation for an Efficient Estimation of Channel for 5G wireless Communication system” .Application No. 202111042325. |
[22]Event-triggered H∞ and reduced-order asynchronous filtering for fuzzy Markov jump systems with time-varying delays “Optimal Control Application & Method”
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[26] Conventional to ICT Based Teaching: Paradigm and Attitude Shift in Engineering Students “Global Journal For Research Analysis Volume :6 | Issue : 5 | may 2017 • ISSN No 2277 – 8160 |
[27] Published a patent titled “Secured and authenticated digital data through generalized sign cryption” .Application No. 202211076945A |
[28].Event-triggered H∞ and reduced-order asynchronous filtering for fuzzy Markov jump systems with time-varying delays "Optimal Control Application Applications & Methods"
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[29] A lightweight identity based generalized signcryption scheme for secure communication in standard model
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[30]Security-guaranteed filter design for discrete-time Markovian jump delayed systems subject to deception attacks and sensor saturation" ISA Transaction"Volume 144, January 2024, Pages 18-27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2023.10.020 |