1. The Vedantic Philosophy in Walden: The English Literature Journal, Vol. 1, No. 5 Sep (2014): 138-142; Open Access, Aizeon Publishers, ISSN: 2348-3288 (Online)
2. A Critical Study of Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus: Research Journal of 2. English Language and Literature (RJELAL), A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.3.3.2015 (July-Sep): 81-87; ISSN: 2321-3108 (Online)
URL: http://www.rjelal.com/3.3.15%20A.html
3. Thoreau and Gandhi on Civil Disobedience as a Charter of Intellectual Independence: Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.3.3.2015 (July-Sep): 176-182; ISSN: 2321-3108 (Online)
URL: http://www.rjelal.com/3.3.15%20A.html
4. Drops of Nectar from the Gita in the Nineteenth Century American Literature: International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies (IJELR); A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal Vol. 2. Issue 3, 2015 (July-Sept): 207-213; ISSN: 2349-9451 (Online)
URL: http://www.ijelr.in/Vol.2.Issue.3A.html
5. A Critical Analysis of the Walden: International Journal of English Language Literature in Humanities (IJELLH) Indexed, Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal Vol. V. Issue VIII August 2017: 545-550; ISSN: 2321-7065 (Online)
URL: https://www.academia.edu/35505603/A_CRITICAL_ANALYSIS_OF_THE_WALDEN
6. A BA CAN DARE!: International Journal of English Language Literature in Humanities (IJELLH) Indexed, Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal: 01-02 August 2017 ISSN: 2321-7065 (Online) |
7. Credence of the East-West Spiritual Promulgation in the Lyrics of Emily Dickinson and Sarojini Naidu: Ad Litteram: An English Journal of International Literati (Peer-Reviewed) December 2019: Volume 4: 09-18; ISSN: 2456 6624 (Online)
URL: http://adlitteramjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2.-Pradeep-Kumar Srivastava__Article_Ad-Litteram-Journal_December-2019-Edition_Volume-4-1.pdf-1.pdf
8. A Realized Soul on the Earth Enlightened the Inner and the Outer Universe of an Individual, a Society, a Nation and the World: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.8.Issue 2.2020 (April-June) 151-159; ISSN: 2321-3108 (Online)
9. 2020 Vehemence of Covid-19: Literary Herald, An International Refereed/Peer-Reviewed English e-Journal Vol.6, Issue 2 August 2020: 225-227; ISSN: 2454-3365 (Online)
URL: http://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/38.pradeep-srivastava-poem.pdf
10. Light and Glitter: The Criterion: An International Journal in English Vol. 11, Issue-IV, August 2020: 340; ISSN: 0976-8165 (Online)
URL: https://www.the-criterion.com/V11/n4/Pradeep.pdf
11. Enskying of Childhood in William Wordsworth’s Ode: Intimations of Immortality from recollections of early childhood: S P Publications: International Journal of English and Studies (IJOES) Vol.3, Issue-12, 2021: 124-128; ISSN: 2581-8333 (Online)
URL: https://www.ijoes.in/Vol3iss12.html
12. Hundred Years of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922): Its Relevance to the Modern World (2022): INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal
ISSN Approved Journal No: 2456-4184 | Impact factor: 8.76 | ESTD Year: 2016 (online) Volume 7 Issue 12, December-2022
URL: https://www.ijnrd.org/viewpaper.php?paper=IJNRD2212254