Assistant Professor,
Electronics & Communication Engineering
8051145733 | [email protected]
BTech, ME & PhD (IIT (ISM) Dhanbad) |
Analog Communication, Digital Communication, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Electronics Devices |
• Design and Modeling of Gr-IV based Optoelectronic Device, Semiconductor Nanostructures, Fiber Optics, Optical Communication |
Worked as an Assistant Professor at Darbhanga College of Engineering, Darbhanga (From January 2018- June 2022) under TEQIP-III |
Worked as an Assistant Professor at NIET, Greater Noida (From August 2011- June 2013) |
“Group-IV alloys based nanostructured photonic sensors for near and mid-infrared application” sponsored by AICTE through TEQIP-III, Application ID: 1-5748741991, Duration- 1 year, Approved Budget: INR 1130000 |
• Ravi Ranjan,PrakashPareek, Mukul Kumar Das, and Saurabh Kumar Pandey, “Numerical Design and Frequency Response of allgroup-IV alloys based MQW Transistor Laser” accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Electronics. |
PrakashPareek and Ravi Ranjan, “Numerical Examination of Detetivity in Group-IV alloy based Photodetector” Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing), 1817 (2021) 012022. |
• Ravi Ranjan, Mukul K Das and S Kumar, “Performance Analysis of Tin-Incorporated Gr.-IV Alloy Based Transistor Laser,” Journal of Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 228-233, 2018 |
• Ravi Ranjan and Mukul K Das, “Theoretical estimation of optical gain in Tin incorporated group IV alloy based transistor laser” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.48, Article no. 201, March 2016 |
• PrakashPareek, Ravi Ranjan, and MukulK Das, “Numerical Analysis of tin incorporated group-IV alloy based MQWIP,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.50, Article no. 179, March 2018. |
• PrakashPareek, Ravi Ranjan, VipulAgarwal, Lokendra Singh, S. K. Pandey, VikramPalodiya, “M. K. Das Modeling and design of tin doped group IV alloy based QWEAM” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.51, Article no. 226, March 2019 |
• Ravi Ranjan, PrakashPareek, Mukul K Das“Analysis of Modal Gain in Tin-incorporated group-IV alloys based multiple quantum well Transistor Laser” ICOL 2019, Dehradun, 19-22 October 2019 |
• Ravi Ranjan, PrakashPareek SSAnwerAskari and Mukul K. Das “Small signal analysis of tin-incorporated group-IV alloys based multiple quantum well Transistor Laser”NUSOD 18, Honk Kong, 5-9 November 2018. |
• Ravi Ranjan, KuntalBurman and Mukul K. Das “Growth and Characterization of GeSn Alloys using RF Sputtering”, in Abstract Proceedings International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), Dhanbad, India, 09-11 Feb. 2018 |
• Ravi Ranjan, PrakashPareek and Mukul K. Das “Modeling of Current Gain Compression in Tin-incorporated Group-IV Alloy Based Transistor Laser” 78th JSAPAutumn meeting, paper: 5p-PB1-10, Fukuoka, Japan, 5-8 Sept. 2017. |
• Ravi Ranjan, PrakashPareek and Mukul K. Das “Analysis of static response of tin-incorporated group-IV alloy based mid-infrared transistor laser” NUSOD 17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24th -28th July 2017. |
• Ravi Ranjan,PrakashPareekand Mukul K. Das "Analysis of carrier dynamic effects on frequency response of tin incorporated group-IV alloy-based transistor laser," Proc. SPIE 10098, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXV, 100980T (February, 2017). |
• Ravi Ranjan, Mukul K. Das, “Analysis of optical gain in Tin incorporated group IV alloy based transistor laser for mid infrared application” , First International Conference on Advancement of Computer Communication & Electrical Technology(ACCET 2016), Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India, 21- 22 October, 2016 |
• Ravi Ranjan and Mukul K. Das “Steady State Analysis of Tin Incorporated Group IV Alloy Based Transistor Laser”, in Abstract Proceedings International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), Dhanbad, India, 11-13 Dec. 2015, p.2I3 |
• Life Member of Optical Society of India (OSI). |
Qualified for NET with JRF, December 2012. |
• Won the 1st prize for an autonomous robot capable of avoiding obstacles ,follow wall and search its path of motion in TECHNIQUEI(IIT Guwahati) Autonomous Robotics Competition, Technical Fest,(Sept 2007). |
• Won the 2nd prize for an autonomous path tracer robot in SPARX ISM Dhanbad Autonomous Robotics Competition, Technical Fest,( Jan 2008) |
• Got Best Paper Award at First International Conference on Advancement of Computer Communication & Electrical Technology, during 21-22 October 2016 at Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal. |